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Updated: Mar 22, 2023

Fenugreek is one of my favorite seeds to use in my teas, hair soap ingredients, and hair tonic. If you have never heard of it, it is an herb that has been used for centuries as an alternative medicine. It is common in Indian dishes and has been taken as a supplement. You can actually find it at Walmart and your local drug store in the supplement section. If you are thinking about purchasing seeds, find your local health store or whole food supplier. I purchase my seeds and other health items from a local health store called Weber's Health Store located in Euclid, Ohio.

Fenugreek is a plant. It can grow 2-3 feet tall and has green leaves with small white flowers. It has pods that contain small golden brown seeds. It has been used in alternative Chinese medicine to treat skin conditions and other diseases. This herb can also be used as a thickener to cook in stews or fatty sauces. It is known to have a sweet, nutty taste. Some people compare the smell to maple syrup. It is also used in products with soap and shampoo.

I use Fenugreek in my hair soap and hair tonic for its benefit of stopping hair loss. In my research for combating hair loss, I came across Fenugreek as a strong herb that aids in stopping shedding and supporting nutrients for the hair follicles. It was a great help to me in strengthening my hair follicles, defining my curl pattern, and stopping shedding. At first, I also tried it as a drinking tea and with different foods, but I noticed its other strong health benefits for libido health. I didn't need that extra benefit, so I continued with just a topical solution. When I notice that I am highly inflamed, I will drink small amounts of it. I soak 2 tsp in a jar filled with water, leave the seeds soaking overnight, and drink a couple of sips or eat 1/4 tsp of the seeds. I leave this in the refrigerator, just in case.

Using it consistently will get you the results you are looking to obtain. Some YouTubers have made videos of creating a spritzing spray. That also can be done as well. The shelf life is maybe 5-7 days only and must be refrigerated. If you try this supplement, make a note of the benefits it provides for you. Everyone is different, and the herb may have different results for you or the same as others. It's good to note that this herb has minimum side effects that are mild. Make sure you don't overdo it, and consult with your doctor.

Nutritional Value

Here are some nutrition facts about it: Fiber 3g, Protein 3g, Carbs 6g, Fat 1g, Iron 21% of the daily value, Manganese 6% of the daily value, Magnesium 5% of the daily value


Breast milk production - boost breast milk production (see the link for the study)

Effects on Testosterone levels in men - increased libido, body fat reduction, and strength.

May help control diabetes and blood sugar levels

Appetite control

Cholesterol levels




Make a tea out of the seeds (1 to 2 tsp)

Ground the seeds or use powder in smoothies

Soak seeds and add or blend them into a dish of choice. If you have fresh, add the leaves to a dish or add the powder into food such as finish sauces, veggie dishes, soups, stews, or marinades for fish and seafood recipes.

Before using any herb or supplement, please consult your doctor. If you notice any adverse effects, stop taking or using it at once.

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