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Choosing Healthy Practices

Did you know that chemical hair straighteners can affect your body? Did you know that it could even cause cancer?

Many coiled and curly-haired individuals have used chemical-based straighteners before. I was introduced to chemicals for my hair when I was so young I can't even remember. Straightened hair was the most acceptable hairstyle, and it still is to so many people. Having straight hair meant you were pleasing to the eyes and well-groomed. It meant you belonged and fit within an acceptable straight-haired society.

Chemical-based straighteners were first developed over 100 years ago. The first relaxer was invented by a prolific inventor by the name of Garret Augustus Morgan, Sr., in the late 19 century. The chemical he used repaired sewing machines. The first live test subject was an Airedale dog who had curly hair. The dog's hair uncurled, and so the inventor, Garrett Morgan, tried it on his head, and it had the same results. Were there any irritants or health factors noted after the tests were done? No, not to my research. The G.A. Morgan Refining Company was started in 1913. The relaxer had an alkaline base and started other hair-care products, such as hair dyes and relaxing creams.

In 1971, lye relaxers were produced commercially by Proline, who have manufactured Dark and Lovely. The hair straighteners with lye weakened the internal protein. Thereby, the structures of the hair were weakened. The coils and curls of the hair would loosen. Would the damage of the continuously weakened state have been noted to have lasting physical effects down the line? No lye relaxers were invented in the 1970s. Since this is a chemical as well, what are the lasting effects of it for those with coil or curly hair?

In the article about chemical hair straighteners, they discuss how they can cause uterine cancer and other health issues. As you look for a holistic health approach to life and hair, stay informed about what chemicals you have introduced to your body and what effects they might have had on you throughout the years. Some of us are trying to grow our edges back, but they may be burnt out. I have even seen some people with locs trying to relax their edges to give that new age "edges laid" look. Is your health worth that fad? Remember Healthy Hair Rockz - from the inside out. Make sure you are taking care of the whole self. You matter!

Other articles you might enjoy regarding health benefits are: - provides information on high-risk medical products, health issues, and more.

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